It is not possible to deny the existence of theism. It is as
clear as we ourselves, our own life. Those who feel the fullness of life do not
live without feeling of theism. Those who reject theism, in fact they deny
life, reject themselves. Theism means the true confession of the existence of
life, the subtle and intense feeling of the relationship of life and the world.
Faith or belief in God is considered synonymous with theism in public practice.
Whatever has been said about theism in its essence, in
practice and in philosophy, there are many variations of the same truth. Even
if the statements and definitions are many, the truth of theism is the same.
When we call theism as a belief in God, it means that we should be faithful to
all life, to universal existence. This is what Vedic knowledge is all about.
Vedas do not mean four books. Rather, it is Satyagraha and true education.
Thinking in a traditional way, the knowledge that the ancient sages have found
in life and the subtlety and depths of the world is compiled in the Vedas. By
ignoring or neglecting it, we can never achieve the overall development of
Over the years, many attempts have been made to disbelieve
theism in the name of science. Many types of sarcasm, sarcasm and sarcasm were
pronounced. It grew to the point that atheism came to be considered synonymous
with scientism. This reverse thinking made many reverse work. Denying the whole
life consciousness gave a big boost to selfishness and ego. Indiscriminate
exploitation of natural resources. Countless species of animals were destroyed
due to human egos. At the same time, clouds of natural hazards also came.
Environmental crisis, weather crisis, internal diseases, pandemics, disasters started
to prepare for human life. The egoistic human suffering from self-reliance also
drugged. Why all this happened? How? And how? When scientists engaged in
searching for answers to these questions, they found in the conclusion of their
experiments that the existence of macro-consciousness cannot be denied.
The scientific community had to accept the defeat,
recognizing that all the fibers of life are deeply intertwined with each other.
Life and the world are interlinked in their depths. It is a big mistake to
consider them different. These scientific findings were later published in
terms of terminology like Ecology, Ecosystem, Deep Ecology and Environmental
Psychology. If you accept these facts while discarding egoistic dogma, then it
will be called a confession of the existence of theism.